In "Azadi Hind," Molana Abul Kalam Azad offers a comprehensive vision for India's independence struggle, blending spiritual, cultural, and political insights to articulate a holistic approach towards liberation. Through this...
"Honor," penned by the prolific author Elif Shafak, unfolds a captivating narrative woven with intricate layers of familial ties, cultural complexities, and personal struggles. Set against the backdrop of modern-day...
In "How To Stay Sane In An Age Of Division," celebrated author Elif Shafak delves into the complexities of contemporary society, offering insightful reflections on maintaining mental and emotional well-being...
"Islam: Its Meaning and Message" by Khurshid Ahmad Salem Azzam, published by IPS, presents a profound exploration of the core tenets and principles of Islam. This seminal work serves as...
Islam, as elucidated in Muhammad Hameed Ullah's translated work by Aliyah Khan, is a profound and comprehensive way of life encapsulating spiritual, social, and moral dimensions. It serves as a...
Kamyab Azdawaji Zindagi by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan offers insightful guidance on achieving success in married life. The book emphasizes the principles of building a strong, harmonious relationship through mutual respect,...
The book "Oxford Countering Violent Extremism In Pakistan" by Anita M Weiss provides an in-depth analysis of the strategies and approaches employed to combat violent extremism in Pakistan. Weiss explores...
"The Spirit of Islam" by Syed Ameer Ali, published by AH Publishers, stands as a timeless exploration of the essence and ethos of Islam. Ameer Ali's profound insights and scholarly...